About Us
We have the expertise to deliver optimal outcomes for you.
Our History
Why Brighton Leadership?
Leaders can make life miserable or magnificent.
It all begins with leadership. That was the first thought that inspired the creation of Brighton Leadership.
We believe in solutions not billable hours. That was the second thought that inspired the creation of Brighton Leadership.
After building a multi-million-dollar management consulting practice (we were part of the leadership team that took it from $350k to $36 million in 3 years) we realized that to deliver with quality, excellence and no B.S., we needed to start our own firm. Rather than scale our firm with lots of internal people, we scale our client’s skills and capabilities in the way we work together. Rather than create dependence on our tools and our people, we leave our clients better off than when we started working together by transferring our knowledge and know-how to our clients’ team.
We believe in constant improvement, both for ourselves and our clients. Since our inception we have reinvested a minimum of 10% of our annual budget in our own growth, learning and discovery for the benefit of those we work with.
7 Reasons to Work With Us:
We’ve helped thousands of leaders. We have delivered results in countless situations. We’ve distilled 61 courses, 837 business/leadership books, 25 years of consulting, a decade of being mentored, and a Masters in Organizational Leadership into simple, powerful solutions.
Lasting Impact
Broad Experience
We’ve worked in over 27 industries. From aerospace to insurance we’ve seen how organizations operate. We help you innovate new practices by borrowing from other disciplines and industries to get an unexpected advantage.
Speed to Action
Live Juicy and Have Fun!
Meet The Team
Isolation can cripple CEOs and other organization leaders. When people only tell leaders what they believe he or she wants to hear, leaders start “breathing their own exhaust,” creating a distorted view. We have helped several executives overcome this ‘illness’ in the past several years by telling them the truth and helping them gain perspective. No one can take your mother’s place, but it’s helpful to find someone who doesn’t have “skin in the game” to give you feedback.
What business are you in? Who is your customer? How do you explain your strategy? These are simple questions that, if left unanswered, create misaligned priorities, stagnant productivity and de-motivated employees. We’ve helped leaders uncover roadblocks to implementing their strategic goals, and created clarity that’s resulted in increased performance, profit and employee engagement.
However, it’s also hard work. It requires capital, a clear strategy, the correct people and the right systems. As pro bono facilitators for the Emerging Leaders Initiative, we guided a process to increase participation, resolve roadblocks and develop a strategy for the future direction.
Lives Changed