What is Your C-IQ?

We are in conversations every day, and our conversations define our relationships and influence our impact both personally and professionally. Did you know that research shows that 9 out of 10 conversations miss the mark?

Conversational Intelligence® is the hardwired and learnable ability to connect, navigate, and grow with others – a necessity in building healthier and more resilient organizations in the face of change.

C-IQ begins with trust and ends with high quality relationships and business success.

We’ve grown up thinking conversations are about talking, sharing, telling people what to do, or telling others what’s on our minds. We are now learning, through neurological and cognitive research, that “conversations” go far beyond mere exchanges of information.

Conversations affect our relationships and our organizational culture. Good conversations foster stronger, positive relationships; bad ones can destroy relationships and culture. 

While you may be familiar with EQ (which is at an individual level), C-IQ has a different focus. Through experiential learning it teaches us how to shape conversations in ways that elevate and activate the networks for growth, empathy, wisdom, intuition, strategy, and other high-level capacities hardwired in our human system.

C-IQ offers a new framework for conversation. Conversations take place at 3 Levels:

  1. Level I is Transactional (Asking and Telling),
  2. Level II is Positional (Advocating and Inquiring), and
  3. Level III is Transformational (Sharing and Discovering).

Ask us how you can use the Conversational Matrix to help you ‘distinguish’ what Level to be in for each situation in order to elevate the quality of your conversations.

Watch this brief video overview for more insight, and contact us to learn more about how you can understand and apply Conversational Intelligence.

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