Preparing for Disaster

As the impact of Sandy the Superstorm is felt across the Eastern Unites States, there are distinct parallels to our lives. Disaster can happen to anyone at any time.  Disasters come in many forms. Sandy is a weather disaster but there are health disasters, work disasters and relationship disasters.
While you cannot always predict when they will happen, you can prepare yourself to weather the storms of life.

  • Be Informed  – observe the patterns and prepare for them. In serious storms many times electricity becomes unavailable for a period of time. If you are informed, you can evaluate your options and decide whether to provide electricity for yourself (batteries, generator, etc.) or risk the consequences of being without. In a health situation you can learn more about healthy habits and choose to practice them or not. It’s up to you to gather the information you need in the event of a disaster.
  • Make a Plan – expect the best but prepare for the worst. Figure out your needs; then identify options or alternatives.      Decide on your course of action in advance. Having a plan is a useful and comforting guide during the chaos and crisis of a disaster.
  • Lean on Others – we need people to support us through disasters. Whether it’s friends, family or great neighbors you need to continuously build and strengthen relationships in the good times so that when disasters strike you have a support system to lean on.

We wish you safety, good health and many happy, prosperous years with friends and family. However, if a disaster strikes be prepared by getting informed, making a plan and leaning on others.

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