Leadership That Inspires

There are many different leadership definitions. In our study of leadership we’ve identified four qualities that inspirational leaders exude.

  • Passion – you can’t inspire unless you are inspired yourself.
    • Inspirational leaders do not have an identical personality profile but what they do share in common is a deep, relentless well of passion. Passion compels, passion moves, passion inspires people.
  • Purpose – this answers the question “why?”
    • Purpose is something greater than you or your organization. Lead from a place of purpose and your people will dream the dreams, take the risks, and make the sacrifices that are necessary to go where you are leading.
  • Participation – of you and your people.
    • Inspirational leaders don’t ask their people to do anything they are unwilling to do. They model the behavior they want others to manifest. Inspirational leaders participate and they actively solicit the participation of their people. One executive sets office hours each day. Anyone can sign up for fifteen minutes and a chance to present an idea or share their perspective. People want to be part of the action, they want to create meaning. So invite them to participate.
  • Potential – for the future and for those around you.
    • Lead from a positive vision for the future. Paint a vivid picture of the potential future in way that people can see it, touch it, smell it, and taste it. Give people hope that things can be better, and that you have a plan to realize the potential of the future.
    • Lead from a belief in others potential. Challenge others to do more. Help them see the potential in themselves.

Today’s world craves leadership that inspires. If you are in a place where you influence others, you are in leadership. Use passion, purpose, participation and potential to inspire others through your leadership.

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