Gratitude + Laughter = Mental Shift

Did you know that you can control what you focus on? You have the power to choose where to direct the precious gift of your attention.

The focus of your attention can lead to a variety of outcomes, so rather than be a victim, be victorious and align your focus with the outcomes you want!

You cannot control what happens around you. But you are in full control of how you choose to experience it. When you exercise that control, you are practicing the power of the mental shift.

Gratitude is something that is referenced many times during this week, since it is the American Thanksgiving holiday. But we know the benefits and impact of gratitude go far beyond one day per year! Research shows that a regular gratitude practice helps increase happiness, decrease stress or depression, is good for the body, increases resilience and strengthens relationships. If you want these outcomes, make a gratitude practice a focus!

Laughter helps us feel more positive and optimistic, more hopeful and engaged. We’re friendlier, more resourceful, more attractive, more radiantly alive when we laugh. Exponentially increase the effectiveness of a gratitude practice by adding a regular dose of laughter.

Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

To learn more about this important topic, go to for additional reading including 10 definitions, the effects of gratitude and much more.

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