Celebrate 2011

How do you celebrate the conclusion of a year?
Celebration memorializes your achievements and accomplishments by commemorating them. Celebration is a way to acknowledge your success. Celebration helps others become aware of your successes. Celebration is critical to motivate you to continued success.
Simple success celebrations:

  •   Share it with someone else. Telling makes your success tangible. It’s especially meaningful if you share your success with someone who appreciates the effort required to achieve the success. Whether it’s reaching a weight loss goal, finishing a project or getting a promotion tell someone about it.
  •   Take a break. Whether it’s a five minute stroll around the office, a few minutes to chat with a good friend, a half day away at the spa or a week-long vacation, taking a break is a wonderful way to celebrate.
  •   Reward yourself. Get yourself an ice cream cone or a technology treat, sleep in, read a great book, watch an action movie or do something else that you really enjoy.
  •   Document it. Write it down so that you have a record; make a video recording to capture the success and your positive feelings. You get what you focus on so celebrate your success and remember it to get more of it.

If you are not quite sure what you are celebrating in 2011 take some time to perform a Year in Review. See the Year in Review GUIDE for information on how to assess your success in 2011 and build on it for 2012.

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