Crystal Clear Change

When you want to make a change CLARITY is critical. There are two dimensions to clarity:
1. Success Definition – a complete description of how you know that you are successful when you complete the change. A good definition of success is “losing ten pounds, eating breakfast every morning and sleeping seven hours at night” versus “getting healthy.” Before you undertake any change it’s important to define what is going to be different in the future in terms that are descriptive and measurable.
2. Alignment – meaning that the participants in the change understand the change the same way you do and they support the change. In order to get alignment you need to understand who else can impact your success. If you want to lose ten pounds and you live with someone who is buying sweet snacks or junk food your ability to achieve success will be threatened. He or she not only needs to know that you want to change but must also agree to support the change.

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